Board of Partners
The Board of Partners is the main governing body of DIPC

Public institution and private entities constitute the Board of Partners, a democratic governing body in which the agreements are taken by voting. The main duties of the Board of Partners follow:
- To act in accordance with the goals of the Foundation.
- To approve and modify DIPC Statutes.
- To approve activity reports and budgets, and to settle the accounts.
- To elect the President, Director and Secretary, as well as the members of the International Scientific Committee.
The institutions and entities currently sitting on the DIPC Board of Partners are:
Public Institutions
Basque Government
Department of Science, Universities and Innovation
Department of Industry, Energy Transition and Sustainability
- Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias, Minister of Science, Universities and Innovation
- Mikel Jauregi Letemendia, Minister of Industry, Energy Transition and Sustainability
- Adolfo Morais Ezquerro, Deputy Minister of Universities and Research
- Jaione Ganzarain Epelde, Deputy Minister for Technology, Innovation and Digital Transformation
- Amaia Esquisabel Alegria, Director of Research
University of the Basque Country
- Eva Ferreira García, Rector
- Inmaculada Arostegi Madariaga, Vice Rector for Research
Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
- Eider Mendoza Larrañaga, Deputy General
- Ane Insausti Altuna, Deputy of Economic Development and Strategic Projects
- Miriam Oca Pascual, Director of Environmental Management
San Sebastian City Council
- Eneko Goia Laso, Mayor
Private Bodies
Kutxa Fundazioa
- Rafael Amasorrain Zabala, President
- Ander Aizpurua Susperregui, Director General of Kutxa Fundazioa
Fundación EDP
- Manuel Menéndez Menéndez, President
- Manuel Ángel Alonso Pérez, Director of Northern Territory at Telefónica España
Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles
- Andrés Arizkorreta García, President
- Horacio Morell Gálvez, General Manager for Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel