Direction Board

Elected by the Board of Partners, the Direction Board is the leading body of the center. Their roles include the definition of scientific strategies, outreach programs, human resources policies and administrative management.
Current members of the DIPC Direction Board follows:
Pedro Miguel Echenique Landiribar, President
The President of DIPC is an executive president. He represents the DIPC Foundation and acts on its behalf based on the decisions taken by the Board of Partners.
Juan Colmenero de León, Vice-President
The Vice-President assists in the performance of duties entrusted to him by the President. In case the President is absent, the Vice-President shall take his place.
Ricardo Díez Muiño, Director
The Director is responsible for the supervision and direction of all the Center’s scientific activities, as well as for the supervision of the administrative management. The Director informs the Board about the scientific actions undertaken twice a year. The Director has the capacity to propose new measures, which may then be approved and issued by the Board of Partners.
Alberto López Basaguren, Secretary
The secretary is in charge of setting the Agenda of Board meetings, calling the meetings, and keeping accurate books and records of minutes of all Board meetings.