HPC resources

Access to the computational resources of DIPC

The SCC, through its facilities, provides the computational resources that our scientists need to complete their research, development, testing and evaluation projects. In addition, the SCC provides support to source code compilations and installation of scientific programs on supercomputers. The main facility of the Supercomputing Center is ATLAS, the most powerful supercomputer in the Basque Country. The wide variety of its different nodes enable large simulations, fast computation times and large memory requirements.

Who can use our supercomputing facilities?

The DIPC Supercomputing Center has the vocation of offering computer services to all research centers and companies in the Basque Country.

Anyone interested in gaining access to our HPC resources can request it by completing this form and sending it to support-hpc@dipc.org

Toda la documentación está disponible en la siguiente web: https://scc.dipc.org/docs/