Argitalpen bilaketa

Bilaketa aurreratua

Bilaketaren emaitzak

6461 results: 6421 articles and 40 books or book chapters

Last updated: 2025/01/21
  1. Scientific article 1 Giant Purcell broadening and Lamb shift for DNA-assembled near-infrared quantum emitters
    S. Verlekar, M. Sanz-Paz, M. Zapata-Herrera, M. Pilo-Pais, K. Kolataj, R. Esteban, J. Aizpurua, G. P. Acuna, and C. Galland
    ACS Nano 19, 3172 (2025).
  2. Scientific article 2 Chemical activation of a single melamine molecule via isomerization followed by metalation with a copper atom
    K. Rothe, M. Alkorta, N. Neel, T. Frederiksen, and J. Kroeger
    ACS Nano , (2025).
  3. Scientific article 3 Electron–phonon coupling and phonon dynamics in single-layer NbSe2 on graphene: the role of Moiré phonons
    Amjad Al Taleb, Wen Wan, Giorgio Benedek, Miguel M. Ugeda and Daniel Farías
    ACS Nano , (2025).
  4. Scientific article 4 Physically cross-linked cellulose nanofiber (LCNF/CNF) hydrogels: impact of the composition on mechanical and swelling properties
    F. Baraka, A. Morales, I. Velazco-Cabral, I. Rivilla, and J. Labidi
    Adv. Compos. Hybrid Mater. 8, 151 (2025).
  5. Scientific article 5 Operation of Single-Spin Qubits: Recent Advances and Prospects
    Z. Zhang, J. Ran, F. Gao, C. Jia, and X. Guo
    Adv. Phys. Res. , (2025).
  6. Scientific article 6 Field-induced antiferromagnetic correlations in a nanopatterned Van der Waals ferromagnet: a potential artificial spin ice
    A. Noah, N. Fridman, Y. Zur, M. Markman, Y. K. King, M. Klang, R. Rama-Eiroa, H. Solanki, M. L. R. Ashby, T. Levin, E. Herrera, M. E. Huber, S. Gazit, E. J. G. Santos, H. Suderow, H. Steinberg, O. Millo, and Y. Anahory
    Adv. Sci. 12, 2409240 (2025).
  7. Scientific article 7 Gaussian Lagrangian galaxy bias
    J. Stucker, M. Pellejero-Ibanez, R. Voivodic, and R. E. Angulo
    Astron. Astrophys. 694, A29 (2025).
  8. Scientific article 8 KiDS-Legacy: angular galaxy clustering from deep surveys with complexselection effects
    Z. Yan, A. H. Wright, N. E. Chisari, C. Georgiou, S. Joudaki, A. Loureiro, R. Reischke, M. Asgari, M. Bilicki, A. Dvornik, C. Heymans, H. Hildebrandt, P. Jalan, B. Joachimi, G. F. Lesci, S. -S. Li, L. Linke, C. Mahony, L. Moscardini, N. R. Napolitano, et al.
    Astron. Astrophys. 694, A259 (2025).
  9. Scientific article 9 Dark matterdistinguished by skewed microlensing in the "Dragon Arc"
    T. Broadhurst, S. K. Li, A. Alfred, J. M. Diego, P. Morilla, P. L. Kelly, F. Sun, M. Oguri, H. Williams, R. Windhorst, A. Zitrin, K. T. Abe, W. Chen, L. Dai, Y. Fudamoto, H. Kawai, J. Lim, T. Liu, A. K. Meena, J. M. Palencia, et al.
    Astrophys. J. Lett. 978, L5 (2025).
  10. Scientific article 10 How does intercalation affect the structure and dynamics of bilayer graphene?
    Noah J. Hourigan, Philipp Seiler, Maxwell Wetherington, Chengye Dong, Joshua A. Robinson, Giorgio Benedek, and Anton Tamtögl
    Carbon , (2025).
  11. Scientific article 11 Thermal properties of tricalcium aluminate: Molecular dynamics simulation and experimental approach
    P. K. Sarkar, G. Goracci, and J. S. Dolado
    Cem. Concr. Res. 189, 107780 (2025).
  12. Scientific article 12 Green procedure for grafting polypeptide onto cellulose nanofibers
    F. Baraka, J. Santos, M. M. Langari, I. Rivilla, and J. Labidi
    Chem. Eng. J. 506, 160349 (2025).
  13. Scientific article 13 Folded-twisted mechanisms control dynamic redox properties, photophysicsand electron transfer of anthanthrene-quinodimethanes
    A. C. Valdivia, F. Lirette, J. M. Marin-Beloqui, A. Carreras, D. Casanova, J. Boismenu-Lavoie, J. -F. Morin, and J. Casado
    Chem. Sci. 16, 1925 (2025).
  14. Scientific article 14 Double-core nanothread formation from α-furil via a pressure-induced planarization pathway
    S. G. Dunning, A. Hari, L. Zhu, B. Chen, G. D. Cody, S. Romi, D. Zhang, and T. A. Strobel
    Chem. Sci. 16, 4144 (2025).
  15. Scientific article 15 Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy: a half-century historical perspective
    J. Yi, E. -M. You, R. Hu, D. -Y. Wu, G. -K. Liu, Z. -L. Yang, H. Zhang, Y. Gu, Y. -H. Wang, X. Wang, H. Ma, Y. Yang, J. -Y. Liu, F. R. Fan, C. Zhan, J. -H. Tian, Y. Qiao, H. Wang, S. -H. Luo, Z. -D. Meng, et al.
    Chem. Soc. Rev. 54, 1453 (2025).
  16. Scientific article 16 Synthesis and characterization of a non-planar cyclophenylene on Au(111)
    S. Salaverria, M. Irizar, J. Janeiro, P. Angulo-Portugal, T. Wang, J. P. Calupitan, J. Rodriguez-Fernandez, A. Garcia-Lekue, M. Corso, E. Artacho, D. Pena, D. Perez, and D. G. de Oteyza
    Chem.-Eur. J. , (2025).
  17. Scientific article 17 Red-light photocatalytic activation of Pt(IV) anticancer prodrugs using methylene blue
    A. C. Carrasco, G. Bajetto, S. Scoditti, G. E. Pieslinger, F. Gambino, M. De Andrea, E. Sicilia, V. Martinez-Martinez, V. Dell'Oste, and L. Salassa
    ChemCatChem 17, e202401424 (2025).
  18. Scientific article 18 The aromaticity of osmapentalenes derivatives - an analysis based on electron-delocalization indices
    R. Grande-Aztazi, E. Matito, J. M. Ugalde, and J. M. Mercero
    ChemPhysChem 26, e202400713 (2025).
  19. Scientific article 19 Continuous-flow synthesis of BiVO4 nanoparticles: from laboratory scale to practical systems
    C. Robles, L. Montanes, C. A. Mesa, D. Iglesias, H. Rabelo, M. C. Spadaro, J. Arbiol, J. Redondo, F. Schiller, S. Barja, B. Julian-Lopez, A. Gutierrez-Blanco, V. Sans, and S. Gimenez
    ChemSusChem , e202402583 (2025).
  20. Scientific article 20 Recent progress on surface chemistry II: property and characterization
    X. Li, Z. Xu, D. Bu, J. Cai, H. Chen, Q. Chen, T. Chen, F. Cheng, L. Chi, W. Dong, Z. Dong, S. Du, Q. Fan, X. Fan, Q. Fu, S. Gao, J. Guo, W. Guo, Y. He, S. Hou, et al.
    Chin. Chem. Lett. 36, 110100 (2025).
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