
Every year DIPC hosts several scientific schools on different hot topics as a way to build up high-quality training for the new generations of researchers. Master and PhD students, as well as other young researchers from all over the world, are regular attendants of the Schools.
Upcoming Schools
Topological Matter School: Topological excited States and Non-crystalline Systems (TMS2025)
Maia G. Vergniory (DIPC, Max Planck), Reyes Calvo (BC Materials), Santiago Blanco-Canosa (DIPC, Ikerbasque), Adolfo Grushin (Institut NEEL – CNRS), Alexander Altland (University of Cologne), Julen Ibañez Azpiroz (CFM, Ikerbasque)
2025/08/18 - 2025/08/22 | Miramar Palace, Donostia / San Sebastián
3S’25 Symposium on Surface Science
Andres Arnau (CFM-UPV/EHU), Daniel Sanchez Portal (CFM-CSIC), Enrique Ortega (CFM-UPV/EHU), Julen Ibañez Azpiroz (CFM-UPV/EHU), Olatz Leis (DIPC), Pedro Echenique (DIPC)
2025/03/09 - 2025/03/15 | Hotel Tuc blanc, Baqueira Beret
nanoGUNE Colloquium: Manipulation of Low Dimensional Hybrid Perovskites: breaking efficiency and stability limits of wide band gap perovskite solar cells
Giulia Grancini
11:00 | CIC nanoGUNE Seminar room, Tolosa Hiribidea 76, Donostia-San Sebastian
Searching for Signs of Life on Mars with Rosalind Franklin
Jorge Vago
12:00 | DIPC Josebe Olarra Seminar Room
Patient-Derived Organoids For Infections, Disease Modeling, And Drug Testing
Cindrilla Chumduri
12:00 | DIPC Josebe Olarra Seminar Room