Argitalpen bilaketa

Bilaketa aurreratua

Bilaketaren emaitzak

515 results: 515 articles and 0 books or book chapters

Last updated: 2023/05/11
  1. Scientific article 141 Synthesis, characterization and photoactivation studies on the novel Pt(IV)-based [Pt(OCOCH3)3(phterpy)] complex
    G. Canil, J. Gurruchaga-Pereda, S. Braccini, L. Marchetti, T. Funaioli, F. Marchetti, A. Pratesi, L. Salassa, and C. Gabbiani
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 1106 (2023).
  2. Scientific article 142 Ga•••C Triel bonds - why they are not strong enough to change trigonal configuration into tetrahedral one: DFT calculations on dimers that occur in crystal structures
    S. J. Grabowski
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 12212 (2023).
  3. Scientific article 143 Few electron systems confined in Gaussian potential wells and connectionto Hooke atoms
    X. Telleria-Allika, J. M. Mercero, J. M. Ugalde, X. Lopez, and J. M. Matxain
    Int. J. Quantum Chem. 123, e27043 (2023).
  4. Scientific article 144 Aufbau principle and singlet-triplet gap in spherical Hooke atoms
    X. Telleria-Allika, J. M. Ugalde, E. Matito, E. Ramos-Cordoba, M. Rodriguez-Mayorga, and X. Lopez
    Int. J. Quantum Chem. 123, e27019 (2023).
  5. Scientific article 145 Parameter and q asymptotics of Lq-norms of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials
    N. Sobrino, and J. S. Dehesa
    Int. J. Quantum Chem. 123, e27013 (2023).
  6. Scientific article 146 A site-selective fluorescence spectroscopy study of the crystal phases of KY3F10: Leveraging the optical response of Eu3+ions
    P. Serna-Gallen, H. Beltran-Mir, E. Cordoncillo, R. Balda, and J. Fernandez
    J. Alloy. Compd. 953, 170020 (2023).
  7. Scientific article 147 Spark plasma sintering and optical properties of Tm3+and Tm3+/Yb3+doped NaLaF4 transparent glass-ceramics
    M. Sedano, S. Babu, R. Balda, J. Fernandez, A. Duran, and M. J. Pascual
    J. Alloy. Compd. 948, 169552 (2023).
  8. Scientific article 148 Soft ferromagnetic effect in FePc/CdS hybrid diluted magnetic organic/inorganic quantum dots
    F. Ibraheem, H. El-Bahnasawy, I. A. Mahdy, M. A. Mahdy, E. A. Mahmoud, J. E. Ortega, M. Corso, C. Rogero, and A. El-Sayed
    J. Alloy. Compd. 968, 171988 (2023).
  9. Scientific article 149 Understanding the effect of MPEG-PCE's microstructure on the adsorption and hydration of OPC
    I. Emaldi, E. Erkizia, J. R. Leiza, and J. S. Dolado
    J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 106, 2567 (2023).
  10. Scientific article 150 Single-not double-3D-aromaticity in an oxidized closo icosahedral dodecaiodo-dodecaborate cluster
    J. Poater, S. Escayola, A. Poater, F. Teixidor, H. Ottosson, C. Vinas, and M. Sola
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 22527 (2023).
  11. Scientific article 151 V-Shaped troger oligothiophenes boost triplet formation by CT mediation and symmetry breaking
    S. M. Rivero, M. J. Alonso-Navarro, C. Tonnele, J. M. Marin-Beloqui, F. Suarez-Blas, T. M. Clarke, S. Kang, J. Oh, M. M. Ramos, D. Kim, D. Casanova, J. L. Segura, and J. Casado
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 27295 (2023).
  12. Scientific article 152 Accurate and efficient spin-phonon coupling and spin dynamics calculations for molecular solids
    R. Nabi, J. K. Staab, A. Mattioni, J. G. C. Kragskow, D. Reta, J. M. Skelton, and N. F. Chilton
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 24558 (2023).
  13. Scientific article 153 Molecular bridge engineering for tuning quantum electronic transport and anisotropy in nanoporous graphene
    C. Moreno, X. D. de Cerio, M. Vilas-Varela, M. Tenorio, A. Sarasola, M. Brandbyge, D. Pena, A. Garcia-Lekue, and A. Mugarza
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 8988 (2023).
  14. Scientific article 154 Tuning the diradical character of pentacene derivatives via non-benzenoid coupling motifs
    T. Wang, P. Angulo-Portugal, A. Berdonces-Layunta, A. Jancarik, A. Gourdon, J. Holec, M. Kumar, D. Soler, P. Jelinek, D. Casanova, M. Corso, D. G. de Oteyza, and J. P. Calupitan
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 10333 (2023).
  15. Scientific article 155 Interplay between magnetism and topology: large topological Hall effect in an antiferromagnetic topological insulator, EuCuAs
    S. Roychowdhury, K. Samanta, P. Yanda, B. Malaman, M. Yao, W. Schnelle, E. Guilmeau, P. Constantinou, S. Chandra, H. Borrmann, M. G. G. Vergniory, V. Strocov, C. Shekhar, and C. Felser
    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 12920 (2023).
  16. Scientific article 156 Experimental observation of diffractive retroreflection from a dielectric metasurface
    A. S. Kupriianov, V. V. Khardikov, K. Domina, S. L. Prosvirnin, W. Han, and V. R. Tuz
    J. Appl. Phys. 133, 163101 (2023).
  17. Scientific article 157 Molecular dynamics simulations of the calmodulin-induced α-helix in the SK2 calcium-gated potassium ion channel
    R. Ramis, O. R. Ballesteros, A. Muguruza-Montero, S. M-Alicante, E. Nunez, A. Villarroel, A. Leonardo, and A. Bergara
    J. Biol. Chem. 299, 102850 (2023).
  18. Scientific article 158 Therapeutic effect of α7 nicotinic receptor activation after ischemic stroke in rats
    L. Aguado, A. Joya, M. Garbizu, S. Plaza-Garcia, L. Iglesias, M. I. Hernandez, M. Ardaya, N. Mocha, V. Gomez-Vallejo, U. Cossio, M. Higuchi, A. Rodriguez-Antiguedad, M. M. Freijo, M. Domercq, C. Matute, P. Ramos-Cabrer, J. Llop, and A. Martin
    J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 43, 1301 (2023).
  19. Scientific article 159 Multimerizations, aggregation, and transfer reactions of small numbers of molecules
    R. Zangi
    J. Chem Inf. Model. 63, 4383 (2023).
  20. Scientific article 160 Molecular Berry curvatures and the adiabatic response tensors
    R. Resta
    J. Chem. Phys. 158, 024105 (2023).
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