Argitalpen bilaketa
Bilaketa aurreratua
Bilaketaren emaitzak
407 results: 405 articles and 2 books or book chapters
Last updated: 2023/05/01-
Quantum-statistical theory for laser-tuned transport and optical
conductivities of dressed electrons in alpha - T-3 materials
A. Iurov, L. Zhemchuzhna, D. Dahal, G. Gumbs, and D. Huang
Phys. Rev. B 101, 035129 (2020). -
Interplay between effects of barrier tilting and scatterers within a
barrier on tunneling transport of Dirac electrons in graphene
F. Anwar, A. Iurov, D. Huang, G. Gumbs, and A. Sharma
Phys. Rev. B 101, 115424 (2020). -
Fully anisotropic superconductivity with few Helmholtz Fermi-surface
J. Lafuente-Bartolome, I. G. Gurtubay, and A. Eiguren
Phys. Rev. B 102, 161107 (2020). -
Collective excitations and universal broadening of cyclotron absorption
in Dirac semimetals in a quantizing magnetic field
I. Yasnov, A. P. Protogenov, P. M. Echenique, and V. Chulkov
Phys. Rev. B 101, 245206 (2020). -
Coupled electric and magnetic dipole formulation for planar arrays of
particles: Resonances and bound states in the continuum for
all-dielectric metasurfaces
D. R. Abujetas, J. Olmos-Trigo, J. J. Saenz, and J. A. Sanchez-Gil
Phys. Rev. B 102, 125411 (2020). -
Soliton solution for the central dark mass in 47-Tuc globular cluster
and implications for the axiverse
R. Emami, T. Broadhurst, G. Smoot, T. Chiueh, and H. N. Luu
Phys. Rev. D 101, 063006 (2020). -
Tracing the cosmic history by Gauss-Bonnet gravity
I. de Martino, M. De Laurentis, and S. Capozziello
Phys. Rev. D 102, 063508 (2020). -
Ghostly galaxies as solitons of Bose-Einstein dark matter
T. Broadhurst, I. De Martino, H. N. Luu, G. F. Smoot, and S. -H. H. Tye
Phys. Rev. D 101, 083012 (2020). -
Multiple Images and Flux Ratio Anomaly of Fuzzy Gravitational Lenses
J. H. H. Chan, H. -Y. Schive, S. -K. Wong, T. Chiueh, and T. Broadhurst
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 111102 (2020). -
Long-Range Propagation and Interference of d-Wave Superconducting Pairs
in Graphene
D. Perconte, K. Seurre, V. Humbert, C. Ulysse, A. Sander, J. Trastoy, V. Zatko, F. Godel, S. Hofmann, D. Bercioux, B. Dlubak, P. Seneor, J. E. Villegas, P. R. Kidambi, X. P. Zhang, and F. S. Bergeret
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 087002 (2020). -
Exactly Solvable System of One-Dimensional Trapped Bosons with Short-
and Long-Range Interactions
M. Beau, S. M. Pittman, G. E. Astrakharchik, and A. del Campo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 220602 (2020). -
Proposal for Unambiguous Electrical Detection of Spin-Charge Conversion
in Lateral Spin Valves
S. A. Cavill, C. Huang, M. Offidani, Y. -H. Lin, M. A. Cazalilla, and A. Ferreira
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 236803 (2020). -
Activating Hidden Metrological Usefulness
G. Toth, T. Vertesi, P. Horodecki, and R. Horodecki
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 020402 (2020). -
Uncovering the Triplet Ground State of Triangular Graphene Nandlakes
Engineered with Atomic Precision on a Metal Surface
J. Li, S. Sanz, J. Castro-Esteban, M. Vilas-Varela, N. Friedrich, T. Frederiksen, D. Pena, and J. Ignacio Pascual
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 177201 (2020). -
Multiband Material with a Quasi-1D Band as a Robust High-Temperature
T. T. Saraiva, P. J. F. Cavalcanti, A. Vagov, A. S. Vasenko, A. Perali, L. Dell'Anna, and A. A. Shanenko
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 217003 (2020). -
Weak Dimensionality Dependence and Dominant Role of Ionic Fluctuations
in the Charge-Density-Wave Transition of NbSe2
R. Bianco, L. Monacelli, M. Calandra, F. Mauri, and I. Errea
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 106101 (2020). -
Extraordinary Multipole Modes and Ultra-Enhanced Optical Lateral Force
by Chirality
T. Zhu, Y. Shi, W. Ding, D. P. Tsai, T. Cao, A. Q. Liu, M. Nieto-Vesperinas, J. J. Saenz, P. C. Wu, and C. -W. Qiu
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 043901 (2020). -
Mott Metal-Insulator Transition from Steady-State Density Functional
D. Jacob, G. Stefanucci, and S. Kurth
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 216401 (2020). -
Full Counting Statistics of Topological Defects after Crossing a Phase
F. J. Gomez-Ruiz, J. J. Mayo, and A. del Campo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 240602 (2020). -
Soliton Random Walk and the Cluster-Stripping Problem in Ultralight Dark
H. -Y. Schive, T. Chiueh, and T. Broadhurst
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 201301 (2020).