Argitalpen bilaketa

Bilaketa aurreratua

Bilaketaren emaitzak

527 results: 527 articles and 0 books or book chapters

Last updated: 2024/04/11
  1. Scientific article 361 Correlated order at the tipping point in the kagome metal CsV3Sb5
    C. Guo, G. Wagner, C. Putzke, D. Chen, K. Wang, L. Zhang, M. Gutierrez-Amigo, I. Errea, M. G. Vergniory, C. Felser, M. H. Fischer, T. Neupert, and P. J. W. Moll
    Nat. Phys. 20, 579 (2024).
  2. Scientific article 362 Controllable orbital angular momentum monopoles in chiral topological semimetals
    Yun Yen, Jonas A. Krieger, Mengyu Yao, Iñigo Robredo, Kaustuv Manna, Qun Yang, Emily C. McFarlane, Chandra Shekhar, Horst Borrmann, Samuel Stolz, Roland Widmer, Oliver Gröning, Vladimir N. Strocov, Stuart S. P. Parkin, Claudia Felser, Maia G. Vergniory, Michael Schüler, and Niels B. M. Schröter
    Nat. Phys. 20, 1912 (2024).
  3. Scientific article 363 Time in a glass
    B. Ruta, and D. Cangialosi
    Nat. Phys. 20, 544 (2024).
  4. Scientific article 364 Complementary probes for the electrochemical interface
    E. Pastor, Z. Lian, L. Xia, D. Ecija, J. R. Galan-Mascaros, S. Barja, S. Gimenez, J. Arbiol, N. Lopez, and F. P. Garcia de Arquer
    Nat. Rev. Chem. 8, 159 (2024).
  5. Scientific article 365 Flat bands, strange metals and the Kondo effect
    J. G. Checkelsky, B. A. Bernevig, P. Coleman, Q. Si, and S. Paschen
    Nat. Rev. Mater. 9, 509 (2024).
  6. Scientific article 366 Tip-enhanced Raman scattering
    C. Hoeppener, J. Aizpurua, H. Chen, S. Graefe, A. Jorio, S. Kupfer, Z. Zhang, and V. Deckert
    Nat. Rev. Method. Prim. 4, 47 (2024).
  7. Scientific article 367 Two-dimensional heavy fermions in the van der Waals metal CeSiI
    V. A. Posey, S. Turkel, M. Rezaee, A. Devarakonda, A. K. Kundu, C. S. Ong, M. Thinel, D. G. Chica, R. A. Vitalone, R. Jing, S. Xu, D. R. Needell, E. Meirzadeh, M. L. Feuer, A. Jindal, X. Cui, T. Valla, P. Thunstrom, T. Yilmaz, E. Vescovo, et al.
    Nature 625, 7995 (2024).
  8. Scientific article 368 Orbital selective commensurate modulations of the local density of states in ScV6Sn6 probed by nuclear spins
    Robin Guehne, Jonathan Noky, Changjiang Yi, Chandra Shekhar, Maia G. Vergniory, Michael Baenitz, and Claudia Felser
    Nature Communications 15, 8213 (2024).
  9. Scientific article 369 Deceptive orbital confinement at edges and pores of carbon-based 1D and 2D nanoarchitectures
    Ignacio Piquero-Zulaica, Eduardo Corral-Rascón, Xabier Diaz de Cerio, Alexander Riss, Biao Yang, Aran Garcia-Lekue, Mohammad A. Kher-Elden, Zakaria M. Abd El-Fattah, Shunpei Nobusue, Takahiro Kojima, Knud Seufert, Hiroshi Sakaguchi, Willi Auwärter & Johannes V. Barth
    Nature Communications 15, 1062 (2024).
  10. Scientific article 370 Optical pumping of electronic quantum Hall states with vortex light
    Deric Session, Mahmoud Jalali Mehrabad, Nikil Paithankar, Tobias Grass, Christian J. Eckhardt, Bin Cao, Daniel Gustavo Suárez Forero, Kevin Li, Mohammad S. Alam, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Glenn S. Solomon, Nathan Schine, Jay Sau, Roman Sordan, and Mohammad Hafezi
    Nature Physisc , (2024).
  11. Scientific article 371 Understanding the bonding and aromaticity of [Au3{C4H4(X)4E}3]- (X = CF3, CN, BO; E = Si, Ge): trinuclear gold superhalogens
    S. Das, S. Sinha, G. Roymahapatra, M. Orozco-Ic, G. C. De, and S. Giri
    New J. Chem. 48, 4765 (2024).
  12. Scientific article 372 Activation of metrologically useful genuine multipartite entanglement
    R. Trenyi, A. Lukacs, P. Horodecki, R. Horodecki, T. Vertesi, and G. Toth
    New J. Phys. 26, 023034 (2024).
  13. Scientific article 373 Pseudo-proper two-dimensional electron gas formation
    D. Bennett, P. Aguado-Puente, E. Artacho, and N. C. Bristowe
    New J. Phys. 26, 102001 (2024).
  14. Scientific article 374 Nonlinearity vs nonlocality with emphasis on bandwidth broadening in semiconductor-based 1d metamaterials
    V. Goncharenko, V. M. Silkin, and Y. C. Chang
    Opt. Express 32, 12551 (2024).
  15. Scientific article 375 Influence of crystal field inhomogeneities on the spontaneous and lasertuning emission of a Nd3+ -doped Li2O-BaO-Al2O3-P2O5 glass
    S. Garcia-Revilla, J. Azkargorta, I. Iparraguirre, F. Munoz, J. Fernandez, and R. Balda
    Opt. Mater. 157, 116417 (2024).
  16. Scientific article 376 Tutorial 2.0: computing topological invariants in 3D photonic crystals
    C. Devescovi, A. Morales-perez, M. blanco De Paz, J. luis Manes, B. Bradlyn, M. g. Vergniory, and A. Garcia-etxarri
    Opt. Mater. Express 14, 2161 (2024).
  17. Scientific article 377 Dehydration of alcohols catalyzed by copper(II) sulfate: type II dyotropic reactions and stepwise mechanisms
    J. Sanchez-Quesada, C. Lopez-Cruz, A. de Cozar, A. Arrieta, I. Arrastia, and F. P. Cossio
    Org. Biomol. Chem. 22, 1800 (2024).
  18. Scientific article 378 Comment on "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons containing antiaromatic chalcogenopyrano[3,2-b]-chalcogenopyrans'' by W. Chen, H.Zong, Y. Xie, J. Xu, J.-W. Cai, S.-D. Wang and G. Zhou, Org. Chem.Front., 2024, 11, 390
    L. Soriano-Agueda
    Org. Chem. Front. 11, 6265 (2024).
  19. Scientific article 379 Learning gaze-aware compositional GAN from limited annotations
    N. Aranjuelo, S. Huang, I. Arganda-Carreras, L. Unzueta, O. Otaegui, H. Pfister, and D. Wei
    P. ACM Comput. Graph. Interact. Tech. 7, 28 (2024).
  20. Scientific article 380 Noise-aware variational eigensolvers: a dissipative route for lattice gauge theories
    J. Cobos, D. F. Locher, A. Bermudez, M. Mueller, and E. Rico
    PRX Quantum 5, 030340 (2024).
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