Argitalpen bilaketa

Bilaketa aurreratua

Bilaketaren emaitzak

527 results: 527 articles and 0 books or book chapters

Last updated: 2024/04/11
  1. Scientific article 421 Electron-K-phonon interaction in twisted bilayer graphene
    C. -X. Liu, Y. Chen, A. Yazdani, and B. A. Bernevig
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 045133 (2024).
  2. Scientific article 422 Electronic structure and magnetic and transport properties of antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetal GdAlSi
    A. Laha, A. K. Kundu, N. Aryal, E. S. Bozin, J. Yao, S. Paone, A. Rajapitamahuni, E. Vescovo, T. Valla, M. Abeykoon, R. Jing, W. Yin, A. N. Pasupathy, M. Liu, and Q. Li
    Phys. Rev. B 109, 035120 (2024).
  3. Scientific article 423 Electronic structure and lattice dynamics of 1T-VSe2: origin of the three-dimensional charge density wave
    J. Diego, D. Subires, A. H. Said, D. A. Chaney, A. Korshunov, G. Garbarino, F. Diekmann, S. K. Mahatha, V. Pardo, J. M. Wilkinson, J. S. Lord, J. Strempfer, P. J. B. Perez, S. Francoual, C. Popescu, M. Tallarida, J. Dai, R. Bianco, L. Monacelli, M. Calandra, et al.
    Phys. Rev. B 109, 035133 (2024).
  4. Scientific article 424 Phenomenology of Majorana zero modes in full-shell hybrid nanowires
    C. Paya, S. D. Escribano, A. Vezzosi, F. Penaranda, R. Aguado, P. San-Jose, and E. Prada
    Phys. Rev. B 109, 115428 (2024).
  5. Scientific article 425 Atomically precise step grids for the engineering of helical states
    J. E. Ortega, G. Vasseur, F. Schiller, I. Piquero-Zulaica, A. P. Weber, J. Rault, M. A. Valbuena, S. Schirone, S. Matencio, L. A. Sviatkin, D. V. Terenteva, Y. M. Koroteev, E. V. Chulkov, A. Mugarza, and J. Lobo-Checa
    Phys. Rev. B 109, 125427 (2024).
  6. Scientific article 426 In-gap states induced by magnetic impurities on wide-band s-waves uperconductors: self-consistent calculations
    D. Jyoti, D. -J. Choi, and N. Lorente
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 205404 (2024).
  7. Scientific article 427 Ab initio transport theory for the intrinsic spin Hall effect applied to 5d metals
    A. Bajaj, R. Gupta, I. V. Tokatly, S. Sanvito, and A. Droghetti
    Phys. Rev. B 109, 195132 (2024).
  8. Scientific article 428 Spectral shifts in tip-induced light from plasmonic nanoparticles in air
    M. Zapata-Herrera, B. Rogez, S. Marguet, G. Dujardin, E. Boer-Duchemin, and E. Le Moal
    Phys. Rev. B 109, 155433 (2024).
  9. Scientific article 429 Quantized Hall current in a topological nodal-line semimetal under electromagnetic waves
    P. -H. Shih, T. -N. Do, G. Gumbs, D. Huang, H. Lin, and T. -R. Chang
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 085427 (2024).
  10. Scientific article 430 Theory of phonon spectroscopy with the quantum twisting microscope
    J. Xiao, E. Berg, L. I. Glazman, F. Guinea, S. Ilani, and F. von Oppen
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 205407 (2024).
  11. Scientific article 431 Photohole-induced strong σ-π scattering driven by out-of-plane phonons in graphene
    B. Hellsing, and T. Frederiksen
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 155426 (2024).
  12. Scientific article 432 Theoretical model for multiorbital Kondo screening in strongly correlated molecules with several unpaired electrons
    A. Calvo-Fernandez, M. Kumar, D. Soler-Polo, A. Eiguren, M. Blanco-Rey, and P. Jelinek
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 16 (2024).
  13. Scientific article 433 Going beyond Landauer scattering theory to describe spatially resolved nonlocal heating and cooling in quantum thermoelectrics
    N. G. Leumer, D. M. Basko, R. A. Jalabert, D. Weinmann, and R. S. Whitney
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 245402 (2024).
  14. Scientific article 434 Superconducting skutterudite-like CeP3
    X. Li, A. Bergara, X. Zhang, S. Ding, Y. Liu, and G. Yang
    Phys. Rev. B 109, 054522 (2024).
  15. Scientific article 435 Electron states emerging at magnetic domain walls of magneticsemiconductors with strong Rashba effect
    I. P. Rusinov, V. N. Men'shov, and E.V. Chulkov
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 195405 (2024).
  16. Scientific article 436 Krylov complexity and dynamical phase transition in the quenched Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model
    P. H. S. Bento, A. del Campo, and L. C. Celeri
    Phys. Rev. B 109, 224304 (2024).
  17. Scientific article 437 Molecularity: a fast and efficient criterion for probing superconductivity
    M. E. di Mauro, B. Braida, I. Errea, T. Novoa, and J. Contreras-Garcia
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 174515 (2024).
  18. Scientific article 438 Influence of dynamical Floquet spectrum on the plasmon excitations and exchange energy of tilted monolayer 1T'-MoS2
    S. Kandel, G. Gumbs, A. Balassis, A. Iurov, and O. Roslyak
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 214301 (2024).
  19. Scientific article 439 Predicted multiple Walker breakdowns for current-driven domain wall motion in antiferromagnets
    M. -K. Lee, R. M. Otxoa, and M. Mochizuki
    Phys. Rev. B 110, L020408 (2024).
  20. Scientific article 440 Phonon softening and atomic modulations in EuAl4
    A. N. Korshunov, A. S. Sukhanov, S. Gebel, M. S. Pavlovskii, N. D. Andriushin, Y. Gao, J. M. Moya, E. Morosan, and M. C. Rahn
    Phys. Rev. B 110, 045102 (2024).
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