Argitalpen bilaketa
Bilaketa aurreratua
Bilaketaren emaitzak
450 results: 450 articles and 0 books or book chapters
Last updated: 2023/05/10-
Atom scattering as a probe of the surface electron-phonon interaction at
conducting surfaces
J. R. Manson, G. Benedek, and S. Miret-Artes
Surf. Sci. Rep. 77, 100552 (2022). -
Geopolymer Concrete Performance Study for High-Temperature Thermal
Energy Storage (TES) Applications
M. Rahjoo, G. Goracci, P. Martauz, E. Rojas, and J. S. Dolado
Sustainability 14, 1937 (2022). -
Induced vacuum energy density of quantum charged scalar matter in the background of an impenetrable magnetic tube with the neumann boundary condition
V. M. Gorkavenko, T. V. Gorkavenko, Y. A. Sitenko, and M. S. Tsarenkova
Ukr. J. Phys. 67, 715 (2022). -
Radon Mitigation Applications at the Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc
J. Perez-Perez, J. C. Amare, I. C. Bandac, A. Bayo, S. Borjabad-Sanchez, J. M. Calvo-Mozota, L. Cid-Barrio, R. Hernandez-Antolin, B. Hernandez-Molinero, P. Novella, K. Pelczar, C. Pena-Garay, B. Romeo, A. Ortiz de Solorzano, M. Sorel, J. Torrent, A. Uson, A. Wojna-Pelczar, and G. Zuzel
Universe 8, 112 (2022). -
Restricted active space configuration interaction methods for strongcorrelation: Recent developments
D. Casanova
Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.-Comput. Mol. Sci. 12, e1561 (2022). -
Transport and optical properties of the chiral semiconductor Ag3AuSe2
J. Won, S. Kim, M. Gutierrez-Amigo, S. Bettler, B. Lee, J. Son, T. Won Noh, I. Errea, M. G. Vergniory, P. Abbamonte, F. Mahmood, and D. P. Shoemaker
Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 648, e202200055 (2022). -
Cementitious materials as promising radiative coolers for solar cells
M. Cagnoni, A. Tibaldi, J. S. Dolado, and F. Cappelluti
iScience 25, 105320 (2022). -
An atomistic approach for the structural and electronic properties of
twisted bilayer graphene-boron nitride heterostructures
M. Long, P. A. Pantaleon, Z. Zhan, F. Guinea, J. A. Silva-Guillen, and S. Yuan
npj Comput. Mater. 8, 73 (2022). -
Ultrafast laser-driven topological spin textures on a 2D magnet
M. Strungaru, M. Augustin, and E. J. G. Santos
npj Comput. Mater. 8, 169 (2022). -
Native point defects and their implications for the Dirac point gap at
M. Garnica, M. M. Otrokov, P. Casado Aguilar, I. I. Klimovskikh, D. Estyunin, Z. S. Aliev, I. R. Amiraslanov, N. A. Abdullayev, V. N. Zverev, M. B. Babanly, N. T. Mamedov, A. M. Shikin, A. Arnau, A. L. Vazquez de Parga, V. Chulkov, and R. Miranda
npj Quantum Mater. 7, 7 (2022).