Argitalpen bilaketa
Bilaketa aurreratua
Bilaketaren emaitzak
439 results: 438 articles and 1 books or book chapters
Last updated: 2023/05/09-
61 On the catalytic and degradative role of oxygen-containing groups on carbon electrode in non-aqueous ORR
A. I. Inozemtseva, E. Y. Kataev, A. S. Frolov, M. Amati, L. Gregoratti, K. Beranova, V. P. Dieste, C. Escudero, A. Fedorov, V. Tarasov, D. Y. Usachov, D. V. Vyalikh, Y. Shao-Horn, D. M. Itkis, and V. Yashina
Carbon 176, 632 (2021). -
62 Visible-light radical-radical coupling vs. radical addition: disentangling a mechanistic knot
F. Aguilar-Galindo, I. Rodriguez, L. Mollari, J. Aleman, and S. Diaz-Tendero
Catalysts 11, 922 (2021). -
63 Competition between triplet pair formation and excimer-like recombination controls singlet fission yield
Y. Huang, I. A. Buyanova, C. Phansa, M. E. Sandoval-Salinas, D. Casanova, W. K. Myers, N. C. Greenham, A. Rao, W. M. Chen, and Y. Puttisong
Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 2, 100339 (2021). -
64 Molecular dynamics and experimental study on the adhesion mechanism of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber in alkali-activated slag/fly ash
S. Zhang, E. Duque-Redondo, A. Kostiuchenko, J. S. Dolado, and G. Ye
Cem. Concr. Res. 145, 106452 (2021). -
65 Belite cements and their activation
A. Cuesta, A. Ayuela, and M. A. G. Aranda
Cem. Concr. Res. 140, 106319 (2021). -
66 A dissolution model of alite coupling surface topography and ions transport under different hydrodynamics conditions at microscale
J. Chen, P. Martin, Z. Xu, H. Manzano, J. S. Dolado, and G. Ye
Cem. Concr. Res. 142, 106377 (2021). -
67 Thermal noise effects on the magnetization switching of a ferromagnetic anomalous Josephson junction
C. Guarcello, and F. S. Bergeret
Chaos Solitons Fractals 142, 110384 (2021). -
68 An unprecedented pi-electronic circuit involving an odd number of carbon atoms in a grossly warped non-planar nanographene
S. Escayola, A. Poater, A. Munoz-Castro, and M. Sola
Chem. Commun. 57, 3087 (2021). -
69 Heavy-Atom Antiferromagnet GdBiTe: An Interplay of Magnetism and Topology in a Symmetry-Protected Topological Semimetal
P. Gebauer, H. Poddig, L. T. Corredor-Bohorquez, V. Menshchikova, I. P. Rusinov, P. Golub, F. Caglieris, C. Benndorf, T. Lindemann, V. Chulkov, A. U. B. Wolter, B. Buechner, T. Doert, and A. Isaeva
Chem. Mat. 33, 2420 (2021). -
70 Controlling ultralong room temperature phosphorescence in organic compounds with sulfur oxidation state
Z. Xu, C. Climent, C. M. Brown, D. Hean, C. J. Bardeen, D. Casanova, and M. O. Wolf
Chem. Sci. 12, 188 (2021). -
71 Rigidochromism by imide functionalisation of an aminomaleimide fluorophore
J. T. Husband, Y. Xie, T. R. Wilks, L. Male, M. Torrent-Sucarrat, V. G. Stavros, and R. K. O'Reilly
Chem. Sci. 12, 10550 (2021). -
72 Polariton-assisted manipulation of energy relaxation pathways: donor-acceptor role reversal in a tuneable microcavity
D. Dovzhenko, M. Lednev, K. Mochalov, I. Vaskan, Y. Rakovich, A. Karaulov, and I. Nabiev
Chem. Sci. 12, 12794 (2021). -
73 Nature of Alkali- and Coinage-Metal Bonds versus Hydrogen Bonds
O. Larranaga, A. Arrieta, C. F. Guerra, F. M. Bickelhaupt, and A. de Cozar
Chem.-Asian J. 16, 315 (2021). -
74 Probing the Catalytically Active Species in POM-Catalysed DNA-Model Hydrolysis**
F. F. Martins, A. Sanchez-Gonzalez, J. Lanuza, H. N. Miras, X. Lopez, N. A. Bandeira, and A. Gil
Chem.-Eur. J. 27, 8977 (2021). -
75 Additive and Emergent Catalytic Properties of Dimeric Unnatural Amino Acid Derivatives: Aldol and Conjugate Additions
M. de Gracia Retamosa, A. Ruiz-Olalla, M. Agirre, A. de Cozar, T. Bello, and F. P. Cossio
Chem.-Eur. J. 27, 15671 (2021). -
76 Pd-Catalyzed C(sp(2))-H Alkoxycarbonylation of Phenethyl- and Benzylamines with Chloroformates as CO Surrogates
P. Andrade-Sampedro, J. M. Matxain, and A. Correa
Chem.-Eur. J. 27, 5782 (2021). -
77 Fluorescent Imidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidine Compounds as Biocompatible Organic Photosensitizers that Generate Singlet Oxygen: A Potential Tool for Phototheranostics
M. L. S. O. Lima, C. B. Braga, T. B. Becher, M. Odriozola-Gimeno, M. Torrent-Sucarrat, I. Rivilla, F. P. Cossio, A. J. Marsaioli, and C. Ornelas
Chem.-Eur. J. 27, 6213 (2021). -
78 Correlation between the Dynamics of Nanoconfined Water and the Local Chemical Environment in Calcium Silicate Hydrate Nanominerals
V. Musumeci, G. Goracci, P. Sanz Camacho, J. S. Dolado, and C. Aymonier
Chem.-Eur. J. 27, 11309 (2021). -
79 The Doubly Excited State in Singlet Fission
M. E. Sandoval-Salinas, and D. Casanova
ChemPhotoChem 5, 282 (2021). -
80 Doping Platinum with Germanium: An Effective Way to Mitigate the CO Poisoning
A. Ugartemendia, K. Peeters, P. Ferrari, A. de Cozar, J. M. Mercero, E. Janssens, and E. Jimenez-Izal
ChemPhysChem 22, 1603 (2021).