Argitalpen bilaketa

Bilaketa aurreratua

Bilaketaren emaitzak

439 results: 438 articles and 1 books or book chapters

Last updated: 2023/05/09
  1. Scientific article 81 Exploring CO2@sI Clathrate Hydrates as CO2 Storage Agents byComputational Density Functional Approaches
    A. Cabrera-Ramirez, D. J. Arismendi-Arrieta, A. Valdes, and R. Prosmiti
    ChemPhysChem 22, 359–369 (2021).
  2. Scientific article 82 Landomycins as glutathione-depleting agents and natural fluorescent probes for cellular Michael adduct-dependent quinone metabolism
    A. Terenzi, M. La Franca, S. van Schoonhoven, R. Panchuk, A. Martinez, P. Heffeter, R. Gober, C. Pirker, P. Vician, C. R. Kowol, R. Stoika, L. Salassa, J. Rohr, and W. Berger
    Comm. Chem. 4, 162 (2021).
  3. Scientific article 83 Interband plasmon polaritons in magnetized charge-neutral graphene
    T. M. Slipchenko, J. -M. Poumirol, A. B. Kuzmenko, A. Y. Nikitin, and L. Martin-Moreno
    Commun. Phys. 4, 110 (2021).
  4. Scientific article 84 Tailoring the interfacial strength of basalt fibres/epoxy composite with ZnO-nanorods
    M. Lilli, F. Sbardella, I. Bavasso, M. P. Bracciale, C. Scheffler, I. Rivilla, J. Tirillo, W. Xin, I. M. De Rosa, and F. Sarasini
    Compos. Interfaces 28, 771 (2021).
  5. Scientific article 85 Interface tailoring between flax yarns and epoxy matrix by ZnO nanorods
    F. Sbardella, M. Lilli, M. C. Seghini, I. Bavasso, F. Touchard, L. Chocinski-Arnault, I. Rivilla, J. Tirillo, and F. Sarasini
    Compos. Pt. A-Appl. Sci. Manuf. 140, 106156 (2021).
  6. Scientific article 86 DoNOF: An open-source implementation of natural-orbital-functional-based methods for quantum chemistry
    M. Piris, and I. Mitxelena
    Comput. Phys. Commun. 259, 107651 (2021).
  7. Scientific article 87 Measuring the Electron-Phonon Interaction in Two-DimensionalSuperconductors with He-Atom Scattering (vol 5, 79, 2020)
    G. Benedek, J. R. Manson, S. Miret-Artes, A. Ruckhofer, W. E. Ernst, A. Tamtoegl, and J. P. Toennies
    Condens. Matter 6, 54 (2021).
  8. Scientific article 88 Crystallization Process and Site-Selective Excitation of Nd3+ in LaF3/NaLaF4 Sol-Gel-Synthesized Transparent Glass-Ceramics
    M. E. Cruz, J. Li, G. Gorni, A. Duran, G. C. Mather, R. Balda, J. Fernandez, and Y. Castro
    Crystals 11, 464 (2021).
  9. Scientific article 89 Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond Energy and Its Decomposition-O-H center dot center dot center dot O Interactions
    S. J. Grabowski
    Crystals 11, 5 (2021).
  10. Scientific article 90 Platinum(IV)-azido monocarboxylato complexes are photocytotoxic under irradiation with visible light
    E. Shaili, M. J. Romero, L. Salassa, J. A. Woods, J. S. Butler, I. Romero-Canelon, G. Clarkson, A. Habtemariam, P. J. Sadler, and N. J. Farrer
    Dalton Trans. 50, 10593 (2021).
  11. Scientific article 91 Ultrastructural analysis of dendritic spine necks reveals a continuum ofspine morphologies
    N. Ofer, D. R. Berger, N. Kasthuri, J. W. Lichtman, and R. Yuste
    Dev. Neurobiol. 81, 746 (2021).
  12. Scientific article 92 Limits to Perception by Quantum Monitoring with Finite Efficiency
    L. P. Garcia-Pintos, and A. del Campo
    Entropy 23, 1527 (2021).
  13. Scientific article 93 Radon daughter removal from PTFE surfaces and its application in liquid xenon detectors
    S. Bruenner, D. Cichon, G. Eurin, P. Herrero Gomez, F. Joerg, T. Marrodgan Undagoitia, H. Simgen, and N. Rupp
    Eur. Phys. J. C 81, 343 (2021).
  14. Scientific article 94 Efficient tampering of a coulomb exploding cluster embedded in a hydrogen shell
    A. Heidenreich, and M. Mudrich
    Eur. Phys. J.-Spec. Top. 230, 4025 (2021).
  15. Scientific article 95 Two-directional collisional energy exchange between electrons and ions in exploding clusters
    I. Last, J. Jortner, and A. Heidenreich
    Eur. Phys. J.-Spec. Top. 230, 4045 (2021).
  16. Scientific article 96 Efficient and compact face descriptor for driver drowsiness detection
    A. Moujahid, F. Dornaika, I. Arganda-Carreras, and J. Reta
    Expert Syst. Appl. 168, 114334 (2021).
  17. Scientific article 97 Synthetic Conjugates of Ursodeoxycholic Acid Inhibit Cystogenesis in Experimental Models of Polycystic Liver Disease
    F. J. Caballero-Camino, I. Rivilla, E. Herraez, O. Briz, A. Santos-Laso, L. Izquierdo-Sanchez, P. Y. Lee-Law, P. M. Rodrigues, P. Munoz-Garrido, S. Jin, E. Peixoto, S. Richard, S. A. Gradilone, M. J. Perugorria, M. Esteller, L. Bujanda, J. J. G. Marin, J. M. Banales, and F. P. Cossio
    Hepatology 73, 186 (2021).
  18. Scientific article 98 Reflecting laser-driven shocks in diamond in the megabar pressure range
    K. Jakubowska, D. Mancelli, R. Benocci, J. Trela, I. Errea, A. S. Martynenko, P. Neumayer, O. Rosmej, B. Borm, A. Molineri, C. Verona, D. Cannata, A. Aliverdiev, H. E. Roman, and D. Batani
    High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 9, e3 (2021).
  19. Scientific article 99 Complex networks reveal emergent interdisciplinary knowledge in Wikipedia
    G. A. Schwartz
    Hum. Soc. Sci. Commun. 8, 127 (2021).
  20. Scientific article 100 Benchmarking Deep Neural Network Inference Performance on Serverless Environments With MLPerf
    U. Elordi, L. Unzueta, J. Goenetxea, S. Sanchez-Carvallido, I. Arganda-Carreras, and O. Otaegui
    IEEE Softw. 38, 81 (2021).
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