Argitalpen bilaketa

Bilaketa aurreratua

Bilaketaren emaitzak

439 results: 438 articles and 1 books or book chapters

Last updated: 2023/05/09
  1. Scientific article 341 Elementary band representations for the single-particle Green's function of interacting topological insulators
    D. Lessnich, S. M. Winter, M. Iraola, M. G. Vergniory, and R. Valenti
    Phys. Rev. B 104, 085116 (2021).
  2. Scientific article 342 Magnetoelectric effects in superconductors due to spin-orbit scattering: Nonlinear sigma-model description
    P. Virtanen, F. S. Bergeret, and I. V. Tokatly
    Phys. Rev. B 104, 064515 (2021).
  3. Scientific article 343 Surface plasmons on Pd(110): An ab initio calculation
    U. Muniain, R. Esteban, I. P. Chernov, J. Aizpurua, and V. M. Silkin
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 045407 (2021).
  4. Scientific article 344 Generalized WKB theory for electron tunneling in gapped alpha - T-3 lattices
    N. Weekes, A. Iurov, L. Zhemchuzhna, G. Gumbs, and D. Huang
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 165429 (2021).
  5. Scientific article 345 Thermal broadening of the zero-phonon line in superfluid helium
    V. Hizhnyakov, V. Boltrushko, and G. Benedek
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 214515 (2021).
  6. Scientific article 346 Electron-phonon coupling in the magnetic Weyl semimetal ZrCo2Sn
    I. Y. Sklyadneva, R. Heid, P. M. Echenique, and V. Chulkov
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 024303 (2021).
  7. Scientific article 347 Calculations of in-gap states of ferromagnetic spin chains on s-wave wide-band superconductors
    C. Mier, D. -J. Choi, and N. Lorente
    Phys. Rev. B 104, 245415 (2021).
  8. Scientific article 348 Clustered superfluids in the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with extended correlated hopping
    J. Stasinska, O. Dutta, L. Barbiero, M. Lewenstein, and R. W. Chhajlany
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 134513 (2021).
  9. Scientific article 349 Strong anharmonic and quantum effects in Pm(3)over-barn AIH(3) under high pressure: A first-principles study
    P. Hou, F. Belli, R. Bianco, and I. Errea
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 134305 (2021).
  10. Scientific article 350 Quantum network approach to spin interferometry driven by Abelian and non-Abelian fields
    A. Hijano, T. L. van den Berg, D. Frustaglia, and D. Bercioux
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 155419 (2021).
  11. Scientific article 351 Spectral features of magnetic domain walls on the surface of three-dimensional topological insulators
    I. P. Rusinov, V. N. Men'shov, and V. Chulkov
    Phys. Rev. B 104, 035411 (2021).
  12. Scientific article 352 Effect of Rashba splitting on ultrafast carrier dynamics in BiTeI
    A. S. Ketterl, B. Andres, M. Polverigiani, V. Voroshnin, C. Gahl, K. A. Kokh, O. E. Tereshchenko, V. Chulkov, A. Shikin, and M. Weinelt
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 085406 (2021).
  13. Scientific article 353 Reentrant superconductivity in proximity to a topological insulator
    T. Karabassov, A. A. Golubov, V. M. Silkin, V. S. Stolyarov, and A. S. Vasenko
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 224508 (2021).
  14. Scientific article 354 Towards a topological quantum chemistry description of correlated systems: The case of the Hubbard diamond chain
    M. Iraola, N. Heinsdorf, A. Tiwari, D. Lessnich, T. Mertz, F. Ferrari, M. H. Fischer, S. M. Winter, F. Pollmann, T. Neupert, R. Valenti, and M. G. Vergniory
    Phys. Rev. B 104, 195125 (2021).
  15. Scientific article 355 Prediction of high-T-c superconductivity in ternary lanthanum borohydrides
    X. Liang, A. Bergara, X. Wei, X. Song, L. Wang, R. Sun, H. Liu, R. J. Hemley, L. Wang, G. Gao, and Y. Tian
    Phys. Rev. B 104, 134501 (2021).
  16. Scientific article 356 Conservation of chirality at a junction between two Weyl semimetals
    S. Tchoumakov, B. Bujnowski, J. Noky, J. Gooth, A. G. Grushin, and J. Cayssol
    Phys. Rev. B 104, 125308 (2021).
  17. Scientific article 357 Many-body physics in small systems: Observing the onset and saturation of correlation in linear atomic chains
    E. Townsend, T. Neuman, A. Debrecht, J. Aizpurua, and G. W. Bryant
    Phys. Rev. B 103, 195429 (2021).
  18. Scientific article 358 Modification of the optical properties of molecular chains upon coupling to adatoms
    M. M. Mueller, M. Kosik, M. Pelc, G. W. Bryant, A. Ayuela, C. Rockstuhl, and K. Slowik
    Phys. Rev. B 104, 235414 (2021).
  19. Scientific article 359 Pressure-induced superconductivity in Li-Te electrides
    X. Zhang, F. Li, A. Bergara, and G. Yang
    Phys. Rev. B 104, 134505 (2021).
  20. Scientific article 360 Spectral properties of Andreev crystals
    M. Rouco, F. S. Bergeret, and I. V. Tokatly
    Phys. Rev. B 104, 064506 (2021).
Zerrenda honetako argitalpenek, oro har, Web of Science (WoS)-ren bilduma nagusian indexatutako artikulu zientifikoak baino ez dituzte sartzen, laburpenak eta kongresuak kenduta.