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In this section you can find all DIPC job offers. In each offer you will find more information about the available projects and positions, as well as about eligibility, conditions, required application material and deadlines

PostDoc - Electronic properties of flat band kagome lattices studied by ARPES and scattering

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/09/18
Resolution: 2023/09/29

PostDoc - Synthetic momenta for Topological Photonics

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/10/03
Resolution: 2023/10/10

PostDoc - Theoretical investigation of dynamical properties within clathrate hydrates

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/10/21
Resolution: 2023/11/06

PostDoc - Manipulation of ground states in quantum materials by uniaxial strain (MUNISTRA)

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/10/21
Resolution: 2024/01/18

PostDoc - Theory of light emission from current-driven plasmonic nanocavities

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/10/21
Resolution: 2023/11/06

PostDoc - Theory of Quantum Transport in superconducting and magnetic Materials

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/10/25
Resolution: 2023/10/30

PostDoc - In situ formation of iron catalysts in lysosomes (InFeSomas)

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/12/22
Resolution: 2024/01/09

PostDoc - Electronic structure of twisted 2 TMDs

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2024/01/21
Resolution: 2024/02/07

PostDoc - Non-equilibrium properties of unconventional Josephson junctions

Post-doctoral position
Deadline: 2024/01/21
Resolution: 2024/02/07