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In this section you can find all DIPC job offers. In each offer you will find more information about the available projects and positions, as well as about eligibility, conditions, required application material and deadlines

PhD Student - Correlative X-ray and non-linear optical microscopy to characterise protein aggregates

Pre-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/07/21
Resolution: 2023/08/16

Research Assistant - Neural networks to model the photo-induced desorption dynamics of CO from Pd(111)

Pre-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/07/31
Resolution: 2023/09/11

PhD Student - Uniaxial strain tuning of the ground state of quantum materials

Pre-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/08/14
Resolution: 2023/10/02

PhD Student - Tensor network methods for interacting electrons in quasi-1d graphene nanostructures

Pre-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/08/25
Resolution: 2023/09/11

PhD Student - Catalytic transformations of metal-based substrates in biological systems

Pre-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/09/04
Resolution: 2023/09/26

PhD Student - Aromaticity in large conjugated circuits (FPI position)

Pre-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/09/07
Resolution: 2023/09/21

PhD Student - Design of quantum materials for channeling light and electrons

Pre-doctoral position
Deadline: 2023/09/11
Resolution: 2023/09/27
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