General public

Todas las actividades +

The DIPC has devised a strong communication programme for all audiences with the aim of disseminating scientific culture.

Passion for Knowledge

Passion for Knowledge festival is a celebration of learning and curiosity, offering thousands of citizens the opportunity to engage with prestigious researchers

Cinema and Science Series

A festival that combines scientific and cinematographic culture

Art and Science

Collaboration between Tabakalera and DIPC to research, create and comunicate projects that link cutting-edge Art and Science.

STROM - Inclusive Astronomy

Multi-sensory, inclusive and traveling exhibition created by DIPC for Passion for Knowledge festival

Emakumeak Zientzian

35 scientific-technological entities have joined forces to achieve these objectives: To make women scientists more visible. To break stereotypes. To encourage scientific vocations.

On Zientzia

Short science dissemination video contest

Crystallization of dance

Art and science dance lecture

Jot Down Ciencia

Annual event organized by Jot Down

Donostia, Zientzia Hiria

Donostia Kultura programme, in collaboration with the DIPC and the UPV/EHU Chair of Scientific Culture

New Paths of Science

Programme aimed at publicising the scientific work of local researchers

Pride in Science

Three science centres organise Pride in Science Day.


Dissemination lectures for the general public


An interdisciplinary programme that crosses the border between art, literature and science.

Zientzia astea

Science Week organized by the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU).

El Palo de Eratóstenes

Astronomical encounter every month at Eureka! Zientzia Museoa.

Aranzadi Astronomy Seminars

30th Anniversary of the Astronomy Workshops

Mapping Ignorance

This leading English-language portal publishes news about cutting edge scientific and technological research.

IKUR Quantum Talks

IKUR Quantum Talks are organized by the DIPC, the UPV/EHU and BCAM to raise awareness of the scientific basis and potential of quantum technologies.


DIPC collaborates with various institutions related to science and culture by offering lectures, colloquiums and workshops aimed at the general public, families and the educational community


A very special wine collection has been designed based on the chemical elements of the periodic table.


An initiative that unites science and bertsolaritza

Naukas Donostia

Naukas Donostia, this time organised in collaboration with the DIPC.


A science outreach initiative that has resulted in the first participatory nanofiction comic.

Albert Einstein

Texts by Dr. Antonio Moreno González