top@DIPC meetings - Zientziarekin solasean!

Large-scale meetings between leading international scientists with secondary school students from the Basque Country
top@DIPC meetings - Zientziarekin solasean!

Since 2009, DIPC has been organizing the large-scale meetings top@DIPC Zientziarekin solasean! between Nobel laureates and leading international scientists with high school students from the Basque Country. The event is hosted by Pedro Miguel Etxenike.

The main mission of the meetings is to awaken curiosity for science among young people and to inspire scientific vocations. At the meeting, the students learn first-hand about the scientific and personal careers of the invited scientists. To this end, their biographies are studied in the classroom beforehand. During the event, all registered schools have the opportunity to participate with their questions thanks to a fun raffle system.

The XIV edition of the meetings will take place on November 28, 2024 in Donostia / San Sebastian (Eureka! Zientzia Museoa). In the first half of September the panel of guests of this edition will be announced and the call for registration of schools will be opened.

The most original, creative or surprising question is awarded thanks to the special collaboration of Telefónica and EDP Foundation.

Conditions for participation:

  • Educational centers targeted by the initiative: Secondary schools of the Basque Country.
  • Participants: One teacher and three/four students from each educational centre that in the 2024/2025 academic year are studying 4th year of ESO or any of the two years of the scientific baccalaureate, whether or not they are in the same level.

Participation in the top@DIPC Zientziarekin solasean! meetings is free of charge.

For more information or to clarify any questions, please contact us at